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Illustration for news: Senior Scholars’ High Achievements Rely on Strong Personality and Favourable Environment

Senior Scholars’ High Achievements Rely on Strong Personality and Favourable Environment

According to researchers of the Moscow City Pedagogical University (MSPU) and HSE University Vladimir Postavnev, Irina Postavneva, Vadim Peskov and Alexey Dvoinin, certain personality traits can help older scholars stay productive and creative for a long time. The study findings are published in Acta Biomedica Scientifica.

Illustration for news: The Informal Economy and Post-Soviet Transition

The Informal Economy and Post-Soviet Transition

The informal economy is a global phenomenon found in both developed and developing countries. There remains no consensus among academics about how the informal sector impacts overall economic growth. Elena Kalmychkova and Alexander Lipanov of Lomonosov Moscow State University and HSE University examined the informal economic sectors of former Soviet republics and found that regardless of any potential negative impact, these informal economies eventually helped people adapt to a post-transition free market environment.

Illustration for news: Physical Activity Found to Increase Life Satisfaction in Young Russians

Physical Activity Found to Increase Life Satisfaction in Young Russians

Assistant Professor of the HSE Faculty of Economic Sciences Natalia Khorkina and Master's student in Economics Valeria Gritchina examined the relationship between physical activity and life satisfaction among young Russians aged 16 to 25 to gain a better understanding of the role exercise can play in young adults' subjective well-being. The researchers found that being physically active tends to contribute to a positive outlook on life, but mainly for men.

Illustration for news: Card Index: Uberisation of Education

Card Index: Uberisation of Education

Education is in the process of being partly reformatted into an on-demand service, with digital platforms quickly and efficiently matching teachers to students. This can make education more personalised and accessible and open up new professional development and money-making opportunities for teachers. But is an Uber-like model really good for education? The following discussion of uberisation in education is based on a paper by philosopher Timur Khusyainov, Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Humanities at the HSE Campus in Nizhny Novgorod.

Illustration for news: People Are Reluctant to See Anthropomorphic Robot Assistants

People Are Reluctant to See Anthropomorphic Robot Assistants

Researchers from HSE University studied the perception of social robots (robots that are able to communicate with people and assist them with various needs) in everyday situations. They studied the perception of such factors as the robots’ appearance, speech, interaction situations, as well as the respondents’ characteristics. The scholars found that androids are more desirable in various situations than humanoids (robots that only vaguely resemble humans).

Illustration for news: Why Volunteers Keep Coming Back

Why Volunteers Keep Coming Back

HSE University researchers together with colleagues from Erasmus University in Rotterdam and the University of Pennsylvania examined the determinants of episodic volunteer satisfaction and its impact on the motivation to continue volunteering.

Illustration for news: 'Canonisation' of Fanfiction: How Fan Creations Are Reshaping Cultural Canons

'Canonisation' of Fanfiction: How Fan Creations Are Reshaping Cultural Canons

Harry Potter becomes a scientist, 'Hermione has changed a lot over the summer', and the Bennet sisters from Pride and Prejudice are fighting against zombies. A game, an unwillingness to part with one’s favourite characters, an attempt to correct the author's 'mistakes' — all of this is fanfiction. Fan creations, on one hand, draw on cultural canons, and on the other hand, challenge them and offer an alternative vision. High art can no longer ignore fan practices — both as its own mirror reflections and as a space for new opportunities. A paper by HSE researcher Ksenia Romanenko helps us delve deeper into the culture of fanfiction and examine its relationship to the cultural canon.

Illustration for news: Russians Feel Disappointed with Their Income if Their Reference Group Average is Higher

Russians Feel Disappointed with Their Income if Their Reference Group Average is Higher

Researcher Anastasia Dubnovitskaya of HSE University has studied the impact of social comparison on the level of Russians' pay satisfaction. The study used data from the Russia Longitudinal Monitoring Survey — HSE University (RLMS-HSE) from 2002 to 2018. It turned out that the main contribution to Russians' pay satisfaction is the difference between their actual pay and the average wages of the reference group — people with similar characteristics. The size of one's own wages was of secondary importance.

Illustration for news: Satanism, According to Science: How Sociology Explains the Worship of Dark Forces

Satanism, According to Science: How Sociology Explains the Worship of Dark Forces

The concept of Satanism originating from Roman Catholic sources continues to lack a rigorous social science interpretation. Satanism is sometimes believed to be a reflection of real-life problems faced by society and is sometimes considered a phenomenon in its own right that merits serious study. HSE doctoral student Oxana Mikhailova provides an overview of how the concept of Satanism is treated by different sociological theories and offers her commentary.

Illustration for news: HSE Researcher Reveals Work Values Held by New Generation of Undergraduates

HSE Researcher Reveals Work Values Held by New Generation of Undergraduates

A large-scale study carried out by Anita Poplavskaya, postgraduate student at the HSE Faculty of Social Sciences’ Department of Economic Sociology, on a sample of 5,000 undergraduates at eight regional universities in Russia reveals the students' prevalent work values. The top five include high pay, interest in one's work, job security, skills match, and career prospects.